The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has recently launched a special campaign to check the operators’ compliance regarding food safety and quality, particularly during the festive season. It is crucial in the emerging period where the extra demand is observed for sweets, savories, and dairy products including milk, ghee, khoya, and paneer; as long as the food items involve high added risks of adulteration threatening consumers’ health. To this end, FSSAI has embarked on an exercise to try and check such actions through a legal crackdown.
Surveillance and monitoring by Food Safety Officers Leaving out bugs and germs, nothing is as small that cannot be seen by the ever-increasing technological cameras installed everywhere from lampposts to bins.FSSAI has directed all Food Safety Officers and Designated Officers across the country to keep a close vigil on the production and sale of high-demand festive foods. They concentrate on sweets, savouries, and dairy products and the goal is to look for any form of impurity that can be dangerous for the health of consumers.
Targeting High-Risk Areas
Seeing the increasing requirement FSSAI has called its officers to pay more attention to places where adulteration can be expected. It has this notion of preventing action such as special surveillance and enforcement being conducted in such areas. Such campaigns are being pursued to minimise the possibility of food being a victim of this vice and to guarantee that all foods of animal origin in circulation conform to the required quality standard.
High enforcement and surveillance banking pressure
The authorities have been urged to launch regular crackdowns to ensure that the food sector complies with the standards. To this effect, FSSAI intends to make more frequent inspections in an effort to discourage manufacturers and sellers from resorting to adulteration, especially during the festive period.
Food Safety on Wheels: Mobile Testing Labs for the development of new mobile applications or for enhancing the existing ones.
The FSW reflects what is perhaps the most important component of this initiative, a mobile food-testing laboratory. Sited in strategic markets, these mobile units make it possible to carry out impromptu checks to ascertain the hygiene status of foods for human consumption. The following is a proactive measure, which will help consumers avoid consuming foods that may have been contaminated during the festivities.