One current issue of concern to consumers is the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’s (FSSAI) latest ruling that stipulates the need to eliminate the requirement of the “Best Before Date” that applied to fresh unsliced non-packed sweets. Though the change has been said to be due to technical, the effects it has on the health of the public, especially during festive seasons when most people indulge in sweets is massive.
The absence of clarity and analysis uncertainty creates a higher danger.
With the removal of the “Best Before Date”, consumers are not in any way assisted in determining the freshness and, or safety of the loose sweets. This transfer of responsibility from food business operators (FBOs) to consumers makes it possible for consumers to receive stagnated and contaminated sweets. Children, the elderly, or persons with a suppressed immune system are likely to be seriously affected by some of the diseases that may result from contaminated food or food allergic reactions.

Lack of supervision and hygiene code of astronauts’ violation
This is inadequate as the FSSAI has relied on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to conduct the inspections whenever there is a festival. Check-ups are not frequent and many sweet shops do not abide by hygiene standards therefore consumers are not shielded. The sweet makers are equally not held to account for their actions Thus the dangers of uncontrolled food safety practices are amplified.
Prioritizing FBOs Over Consumers
Measures taken by the FSSAI seem to fit into the FBOs’ convenience to enable them to display the ‘Best Before Date’ voluntarily As a result the lack of mandatory compliance indicates a probable increase in noncompliance which leads to the consumer losing confidence in the safety of the nonpacked sweets.
Even people who are able to afford medicines sometimes find themselves helpless because their products do not have ‘Best Before Date’ reinstated once again.
Bringing back the “Best Before Date” would help to increase the consumers’ protection. This would enable the buyers to be in a position to make informed decisions and at the same time ensure that FBOs comply with food safety regulations. Otherwise, consumers must continue practicing prudence while buying individual packets of sweets for their health’s sake, especially during the festivals.