The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has granted a three-month extension, until December 31, 2023, to employers for uploading wage details related to higher pension options. The initial deadline for uploading wage details was scheduled to end on September 30, but it has been extended following representations from Employers and Employers’ Associations, as announced by the labour ministry.
As of September 29, 2023, there are still 5.52 lakh pending applications for the validation of pension option or joint options with employers. Given the volume of pending applications and further requests from employers, the Central Board of Trustees Chairman has sympathetically considered the extension.
This extension comes in response to representations received from Employers and Employers’ Associations requesting additional time to submit wage details for applicant pensioners and members.
To comply with the Supreme Court order of November 4, 2022, the EPFO had introduced an online facility for the submission of Applications for Validation of Option/Joint Options for pension based on higher wages. This facility was launched on February 26, 2023, and was initially available until May 3, 2023.
In total, 17.49 lakh Applications for Validation of Option/Joint Options have been received from pensioners and members until July 11, 2023.